English version

The suffering of Jesus and early Christians stand
as something central which can still arouse strong feelings.

But there are crucial differences between Christianity and Islam,
primarily that very few Christians would argue that Christianity is
a practical political alternative to an existing "materialistic world order".

No major Christian church or theologian would speak for such a view.
God's kingdom is not of this world, but the kingdom of Allah is in the highest degree.

Islam is a utopian social order, a political ideal state in which Muslims are obliged to fight for,
and which occupies the same role for Muslims as
existing communism did for communists and The third rich did for the Nazis.

And like the communist and Nazi dreamsociety, Islam is also a totalitarian dictatorship,
where all the power will belong to the writing savvy and they will be the only ones entitled to
comment on what is Allah's will.